Hemsidan, CV och portfolio är uppdaterad. Jag ska från och med nu skriva alla blogginlägg på engelska. Detta ger mig möjlighet att söka jobb utomlands och ger mig fler möjligheter att synas inom branschen.
Under 15 februari - 2 juli är jag på praktik. Jag har fått en praktikplats på Starbreeze studios QA-avdelning, i Uppsala. Jag ser verkligen fram emot detta. Det känns som jag har tagit ett stor kliv framåt, mot mitt mål att få anställning som Game designer. Med andra ord...
It's been long time since the last blog post. What's happening now?
Website, CV and portfolio are updated. I will from now on write all the blog posts in English. This gives me the opportunity to seek jobs abroad, and gives me more opportunities to be seen in the industry.
During February 15 to July 2, I'll be working as a intern at Starbreeze Studios QA department, in Uppsala. I am really looking forward to this. It feels like I've taken a big step forward, towards my goal of finding employment as game designer.
Some one dear to me gave kritik on my blog. This person said that my blog was boring, and that it would be improved if i used pictures. Well I hope this picture entertains...

I don't want to sound square, but this is still a blog that should be taken seriously.
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