
My Theddy

A young boy’s best friend has ran away. His father goes on a quest to find the boy’s friend, and find out why he ran away.


Updated games

In my opinion; the version of Simple Fantasy on the web looked boring. I felt that I had to do something about this problem. So I added some illustrations from old Final Fantasy games. The new version of the game can be found in the portfolio.

I've also changed some things in Mustang, but nothing big.


New game needs feedback

Hi everyone. I had this weird idea for a game couple of months ago. It's about space, teddy's and a father. Any way, I'm almost done with the game.
But I need some help. I need to get feedback. I would like you to download the game, play it through, and email me your thoughts regarding the game. Also it would be great if you could answer these questions;

Did you get stuck somewhere in the game?
What did you like about the game?
What didn't you like about the game?
What would make the game better?
What would make the game worse?

Send the answers to my email; sigudd@gmail.com

Click on the link to download the game.